Thursday, August 5, 2021

Ember Queen : Ash Princess Trilogy #3 by Laura Sebastian - Book Review

~ Some blurb nobody wants so I cut out ~

"Now free, with a misfit army of rebels to back her, Theo must liberate her enslaved people and face a terrifying new enemy: the new Kaiserin. Imbued with a magic no one understands, the Kaiserin is determined to burn down anyone and everything in her way.

The Kaiserin’s strange power is growing stronger, and with Prinz Søren as her hostage, there is more at stake than ever. Theo must learn to embrace her own power if..."  blah blah blah. Well, I think you get the gist so I'll cut straight to the chase. 

DNF at...I don't even know where I stopped but I just had to stop because this book was absolute trash and was getting on my nerves and I really need to write this rant to get the hatred out of my system. So I just read a five-star review of this book and now I'm wondering if both of us read the same book because what was this rubbish? I know I'd said I would do a hate read but sorry this book was too much to handle and I just had to stop. I could have told you everything that will happen in this book even before I started the series and no, it's not because I have magical powers, it's because this series was so very unoriginal. It was predictable and very boring to read. So yes I hated it and you probably shouldn't read it, but here is a review anyway.

I'll warn you about spoilers but there's nothing to spoil in this book really because you will already know what's to come if you ever read this. I agree that most books are predictable and there is some fun in that too, but here it was not even enjoyable to see everything unfold. All the characters just felt really immature. They should have been able to guess what was coming when it was so easy for the readers to do the same. All the pairing was nothing surprising, but I don't mind that since it's that way in all books. I mostly mind how nobody in the book was able to guess anything which gives the impression that the author expected us to not know it either. Artemesia and Maile? Heron and Erik? I'm not even sure if they are couples but I could see them coming from a mile away.

Plot- um can I just say I'm being generous here 1/5. Writing a book is not an easy task and the author has written many characters and places to try to add depth to this series which is good. But finally, none of the side characters really seemed important, all the places seemed the same, and I never got the feel of being there in their world. The author would have done well to add a few surprises to this book. The first book was slightly better when it came to twists, though it was just one or two at the very end. This is sort of boiling down the predictability issue of mine, but the story was also really slow. The beginnings of all three books were extremely dull, and it was so much of an effort to read till the end.

The love tRiAnGle- 0/5. Predictable? Of course. But the main issue? Our wonderful Theo found nothing wrong with being with both of them at the same time. She kissed one during the day, and slept curled around another at night. Whenever she wanted a favour from one of them, she acted all lovey-dovey, only to do the same for the other. I'm pretty sure Blaise knew about her and Soren, and I don't know if that makes it worse or better. Both her relationships were also really fake. Soren liked her even though she had betrayed him multiple times, and Blaise liked her even after she kind of rejected him and went after Soren (honestly, she was giving both of them mixed signals and I don't blame either for being confused).

The character-building was probably not bad, but I hated every single one of them. Theodosia was undeniably the worst, but I can also say the same about Blaise and Soren. All three were kind of the same really. I won't go into all of Theo's shortcomings, but she was really annoying and never did anything right. She was selfish and wanted "more blankets and pillows" when her people slept out in the open without even a shelter, while she had a huge tent all to herself. She expected her people to like her though she did nothing for them. She blamed her advisors for not advising her, though she herself refused to listen to their opinions and always did whatever she wanted. When she was in the mine, she expected her group to have come to a decision or made a plan of attack, while she could not do that herself once she returned, even though she was their queen and nobody could challenge her saying. She was also really dumb and constantly fell into Cress' obvious traps, though she claimed that she had learned the hard way not to trust people and whatnot. Apparently, nobody taught her not to trust her enemies.

Okay maybe I ranted about her a little, but I hate her so much.

Also, I did not get the deal with Soren being sallow all the time? He was taken prisoner twice or thrice in every book, and always returned sallow. Even if he was under-fed every time, the author could have used a different adjective for him. This whole series was repetitive, and I am none the wiser about most things even after having read 2.5 books. The person I buddy-read this with (my buddy?) somehow managed to get through it and told me that many things were left unresolved in the end. 

All-in-all, this was one of the worst books I have ever read, and I do not recommend it. Also, reading my review is giving me major Red Queen (remember that junk?) flashbacks so if you didn't like that, you won't like this series either. Thank you for bearing with me throughout this rant.

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