Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Caraval Series by Stephanie Garber - Book Review

I finished reading the Caraval series today, and I liked it quite a lot.

The first book seemed a bit dull at first but it picked up pace once the games actually started. It was all pretty predictable, what with the pairing of Scarlett and Julian, Scarlett winning the game and people conveniently coming back to life.

The second book was much like the first, except that it had Tella's point of view. The series had started to feel rather like a magical version of the Hunger Games, what with the same competition in the first two books, with, of course, the main character winning, and being paired off with the hero. 

The third book was definitely a great improvement. I found it much better than the first two, story-wise, character development-wise, and suspense-wise, since there was no game which the protagonist could flounce into and win.

I like magical fantasy books, which is why I loved Finale. It was very exciting as the author always kept the story going, without adding irrelevant parts or dragging on the story too much.

I never felt very close to Scarlett or liked her much in the first book, but I felt the author has made an effort to tell us more about her in the third book. It also helped that a lot of secrets about her parents etc. were uncovered then, and the chapters with her POV had her thoughts or emotions which made her more likable. Tella didn't sound very nice in the first book, but I liked her much more in the second and third ones since her horrible actions felt a little more justified.

The ending was satisfying, and even though I didn't find Scarlett capable or clever enough to rule Valenda, she was Queen Elantine's granddaughter and I guess all monarchies work that way. The Prince of Hearts didn't get a deserving ending, since he was one of the main characters, and wasn't too evil, but was forced to flee with all the bad Fates nonetheless.

Overall, the series was really nice and I think it is very underrated, so even if you haven't about it a lot, you should give it a try.

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